Hanlin Sun

Hanlin Sun

Wallenberg Initiative on Networks and Quantum Information (WINQ) Research Fellow

NORDITA, Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technologty


Hanlin is a research fellow at NORDITA, Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden funded by Wallenberg Initiative on Networks and Quantum Information (WINQ). He is interested in the dynamic processes on networks and higher-order network, inference and optimization on networks, as well as the interdisplinary area between network science and neuroscience.

Hanlin holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. During his PhD at Queen Mary University of London, he worked on network theory. His research focuses on several aspects of dynamic processes on networks and other structures with higher-order interactions, such as simplicial complexes and hypergraphs, under the supervision of Prof. Ginestra Bianconi.

Before joining Queen Mary, Hanlin studied physics at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (BSc). During his undergraduate study, he worked on the inference and optimization on multiple interacting spreading processes on networks under the supervisor of Prof. David Saad, Aston University, and low-rank approximation algorithms on tensor networks under the supervisor of Prof. Pan Zhang, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Download my CV.

  • Percolation theory
  • Message-passing algorithm
  • Hypergraphs and simplicial complexes
  • Epidemic spreading
  • Statistical Physics
  • Inference and Optimization on networks
  • Multilayer networks
  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2023

    Queen Mary University of London, UK

  • BSc in Physics, 2019

    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  • Visiting student, 2018

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

  • Visiting student, 2018

    Aston University, UK


Research fellow
Sep 2023 – Present Stockholm, Sweden
Research fellow funded by The Wallenberg Initiative on Networks and Quantum Information (WINQ).
PhD researcher
Queen Mary University of London
Sep 2019 – Aug 2023 London, United Kingdom
PhD in Applied Mathematics. Study percolation on networks and higher-order structures under the supervision of Prof. Ginestra Bianconi.
Visiting student
Aston University
Jul 2018 – Aug 2018 Birmingham, United Kingdom
Study the inference and optimization on multiple interacting spreading processes under the supervision of Prof. David Saad.
Visiting student
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Jan 2018 – Jun 2018 Stockholm, Sweden
Course project on Parallel Computing, Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
Visiting student
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jun 2017 – Jan 2018 Beijing, China
Study low-rank approximation algorithms on tensor networks under the supervision of Prof. Pan Zhang.
BSc in Physics
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep 2015 – Jul 2019 Beijing, China



I will teach Statistical Methods in Data Analysis at the University of Iceland as a Guest Lecturer in Spring 2025.

I have been a Teaching Associate at Queen Mary University of London for the following course:

  • Vectors and Matrices, Level 4 module, Jan 2023-Apr 2023
  • Calculus II, Level 4 module, Jan 2023-Apr 2023
  • Calculus I, Level 4 module, Sep 2022-Dec 2022
  • Calculus I, Level 4 module, Sep 2021-Dec 2021
  • Machine Learning with Python, Level 7 module, Jun 2021-Aug 2021
  • Calculus II, Level 4 module, Jan 2021-Apr 2021
  • Calculus I, Level 4 module, Sep 2020-Dec 2020
  • Linear Algebra I, Level 5 module, Sep 2022-Dec 2022
  • Vectors and Matrices, Level 4 module, Jan 2020-Apr 2020

I have been a Graduate Teaching Assistant at King’s College London for the following course:

  • Calculus II, Level 4 module, Jan 2023-Apr 2023
  • Theory of Complex Networks, Level 7 module, Sep 2022-Dec 2022
  • Linear Algebra and Geometry II, Level 5 module, Jan 2022-Apr 2022
  • Calculus I, Level 4 module, Sep 2021-Dec 2021

Conferences, Schools and Events

I have been an organiser of the following events:

I have given contributed and invited talks on the following conferences:

  • 2024 1st British NetSci Symposium (London, United Kingdom)
    • Contributed talk. Triadic percolation induces dynamical topological patterns in higher-order networks
  • 2024 APS March meeting 2024 (Minneapolis, United States)
    • Contributed talk. Network science Ising state of matter
  • 2023 CCS/Italy 2023 (Naples, Italy)
    • Contributed talk. Title:The dynamic nature of percolation on networks with triadic interactions
  • 2023 NetSci 2023 (Vienna, Austria)
    • Contributed talk. Title:The dynamic nature of percolation on networks with triadic interactions
  • 2022 Conference on Complex Systems 2022 (Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
    • Contributed talk. Title:Triadic interactions induce blinking and chaos in connectivity of higher-order networks
  • 2022 IMA Conference on The Mathematical Challenges of Big Data (Oxford, United Kingdom)
    • Contributed talk. Title: A message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps
  • 2022 Satellite @ NetSci2022: Signed Networks and their Applications (Online)
    • Invited talk. Title:Triadic interactions induce blinking and chaos in connectivity of higher-order networks
  • 2022 Satellite @ NetSci2022: Higher-order Topology & Dynamics in Complex Networks (Online)
    • Contributed talk. Title: Higher-order percolation processes on multiplex hypergraphs
  • 2021 Conference on Complex System 2021 (Lyon, France)
    • Contributed talk. Title: Higher-order percolation processes on multiplex hypergraphs
  • 2021 Satellite @ NetSci 2021: TopoNet2021 (Online)
    • Contributed talk. Title: A message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps
  • 2021 The 46th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (Online)
    • Contributed talk. Title: A message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps
  • 2020 Conference on Complex Systems 2020 (Online)
    • Contributed talk. Title: A message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps

I have also given talks on other internal seminars:

  • 2023 NetPLACE seminar
    • Invited talk. Title: A message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps
  • 2023 Networks and Time Workshop, Queen Mary University of London
    • Contributed talk. Title: Triadic interactions induce blinking and chaos in connectivity of higher-order networks
  • 2022 Complex Systems Seminar, Queen Mary University of London
    • Invited talk. Title: Mathematics in epidemic spreading: from containment measures to critical behaviours
  • 2022 Postgraduate Research Day 2022, Queen Mary University of London
    • Talk. Title:Triadic interactions induce blinking and chaos in connectivity of higher-order networks
  • 2022 Internal seminar at Aston University
    • Invited talk. Title: Mathematics in epidemic spreading: from containment measures to critical behaviours
  • 2021 Postgraduate Research Day 2021, Queen Mary University of London
    • Poster presentation. Title: A message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps
  • 2020 Queen Mary Internal Postgraduate Seminar (QuIPS)
    • Invited talk. Title: A message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps

Scholarships and Grants

-2024 Visiting Research Scholar, AccelNet/MultiNet Exchange program, $6600 -2023 INI Network Support funding, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, £5000 (with Silvia Rognone, Gabriele Di Bona, Annalisa Caligiuri)

  • 2022 Small Grant, The Institute of Mathematics and its application, £600
  • 2022 Student Grants, Conference on Complex Systems 2022, Fee waiver (equivalently €340)
  • 2022 Research Support Funding, QMUL, £1000
  • 2021 Travel Grant Complex Systems & Networks Group, QMUL, £700
  • 2020 Travel Grant Complex Systems & Networks Group, QMUL, £300

Awards and Achievements

  • 2023 The article ‘The dynamic nature of percolation on networks with triadic interaction’ is featured in Nature Communications Editors’ Highlight
  • 2022 Outstanding Teaching Assistant (Nomination), King’s College London
  • 2021 Press coverage, Competition and collaboration: Understanding interacting epidemics can unlock better disease forecasts, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 2021 Press coverage,Competition and Collaboration: Understanding Interacting Epidemics Can Unlock Better Disease Forecasts, Discover Magazine

Referee and editorial activities

I have been a reviewer for the following journals: Nature Communication, Nature Physics, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Communication Physics, Scientific Reports, New Journal of Physics, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Bioinformatics, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science

Now I serve as a Guest Editor Assistant of the Special Issue “Models, Topology and Inference of Multilayer and Higher-Order Networks” in Entropy.


Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2024). Network science: Ising states of matter. In Phys. Rev. E.

Cite DOI arxiv

(2023). The dynamic nature of percolation on networks with triadic interactions. In Nat Commun.

Cite Code DOI arxiv

(2021). Higher-order percolation processes on multiplex hypergraphs. In Phys. Rev. E.

Cite DOI arxiv

(2021). Message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps. In Phys. Rev. Res.

Cite DOI arxiv

(2021). Competition, Collaboration, and Optimization in Multiple Interacting Spreading Processes. In Phys. Rev. X.

Cite DOI arxiv

(2020). Renormalization group theory of percolation on pseudofractal simplicial and cell complexes. In Phys. Rev. E.

Cite DOI arxiv